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Top 5 Impossible to Kill Succulents

Did you know that succulents are some of the hardiest and more resistant plants? That's right. And here are the best five unkillable ones!
Succulents and caring for them - Top 5

Succulents are known for their reputation as hardy and resilient plants. In fact, many people claim the best way to have a succulent garden is to completely ignore them (and don’t evenm think about watering them!). Compared to other house plants, they are definitely difficult to kill. But why is this?

If you’re looking for plants that will survive neglect, then you’ve come to the right place. Succulents are not just almost impossible to destroy (there is actually only one thing that can kill them, I will tell you what soon), they are also incredibly beautiful and diverse. So, in this article, I thought I could show you some of my favorite options and why they are so hardy. 

Why Are Succulents So Resilient?

There are several factors that contribute to succulents having a reputation for withstanding the most challenging conditions. Let’s quickly go through them in some more detail, shall we?

  1. Succulents store they own water: Succulents have specialized tissues in their leaves, stems, and roots that allow them to store water. This adaptation enables them to survive in arid environments and go for extended periods without water, making them more tolerant of occasional under or overwatering.

  2. Succulents are very tolerant to drought: Succulents have also evolved to survive in regions with infrequent or erratic rainfall. Their ability to endure drought conditions means they can thrive with less frequent watering than other plants.

  3. Succulents are adapted to poor soil: Succulents have adapted to grow in poor and well-draining soil, which means they are less dependent on nutrient-rich soil for their survival. No compost needed here; succulents will thrive in the most unexpected corners!

  4. Succulents have reduced transpiration: Many succulents have thick, waxy coatings on their leaves, which helps reduce water loss through transpiration. This adaptation allows them to retain moisture more effectively in dry conditions.

  5. Succulents are pest and disease-resistat: Succulents are generally less susceptible to pests and diseases compared to other plant types. Their thick, fleshy leaves are less appealing to many pests, reducing the risk of infestations.

What are the Top 5 Succulents To Keep at Home?

Alright, before I list my favorite succulents, I should mention: While these pretty plants are generally more forgiving in terms of care, they still require some essential conditions to thrive. Overwatering, for instance, can lead to root rot and eventual plant death. So, you will need to provide them with well-draining soil, adequate sunlight, and a balanced watering schedule will help ensure their long-term health and vitality. But, to be honest, once you find a place for your succulents… they do the care themselves.

Succulent #1: Echeveria

Echeverias are well-known for their rosette-shaped, fleshy leaves with beautiful colors ranging from pastel greens and blues to vibrant pinks and purples. They are highly favored for their ornamental value and are commonly used in succulent arrangements and gardens.

These charismatic plants showcase a stunning spectrum of hues, ranging from soft pastels to bold jewel tones, making them a visual delight in any arrangement or garden bed. Their fleshy leaves, often adorned with delicate frills or elegant ruffles, create captivating textures that further enhance their charm.

Echeveria tip: You can use Echeverias to adorn tabletops as potted centerpieces or make them cascade gracefully from hanging planters.

Succulent #2: Sedum

Sedums, also known as stonecrops, come in various shapes and sizes. They are loved for their versatility and easy care. Some sedums have trailing habits, while others form compact mounds. Their foliage ranges from green to blue-gray, and some varieties produce colorful flowers.

From the striking trailing foliage of Sedum morganianum, also called the Burro’s Tail, to the compact rosettes of Sedum rubrotinctum, or Jelly Bean Plant, each variety boasts unique features that add depth and character to any garden. These hardy plants are well-regarded for their low maintenance requirements, thriving in various conditions with minimal care.

Sedum tip: With an impressive range of shapes, sizes, and colors, Sedums easily find their place in both indoor arrangements and outdoor landscapes. 

Succulent #3: Aloe Vera

Aloe Vera is one of the most well-known and beloved succulents. Its gel-filled leaves have medicinal properties and are used for treating minor burns and skin irritations. Aloe vera plants are easy to care for and can thrive indoors or outdoors in warm climates.

This succulent’s striking appearance, with its plump, spiky leaves and rosette-like arrangement, makes it instantly recognizable and appealing to plant enthusiasts worldwide. Beyond its ornamental value, aloe vera is a treasured medicinal plant, renowned for its gel-filled leaves that offer natural remedies for minor burns, skin irritations, and wounds.

Aloe Vera tip: Thriving in bright, indirect sunlight, aloe vera is a hardy and low-maintenance plant that can grace both indoor spaces and outdoor gardens.

Succulent #4: Haworthia

Haworthias are small succulents with distinctive rosette-shaped or spiky leaves. They often have interesting patterns and markings on their leaves, making them highly sought after by collectors. 

Their distinctive rosettes or spiky rosette clusters add a touch of elegance to any plant collection or arrangement. Haworthias are known for their exquisite and intricate leaf patterns, ranging from zebra-like stripes to translucent windows that allow light to penetrate deep into their leaves.

Haworthia tip: Haworthias are ideal for indoor gardening due to their compact size and low maintenance requirements (plus, they prefer bright, indirect light and are forgiving of occasional lapses in watering).

Succulent #5: Crassula

Crassula is a diverse genus of succulents with a wide variety of shapes and forms. Some popular crassula species include the Jade Plant (Crassula ovata) and the String of Buttons (Crassula perforata). These plants are known for their easy care, making them ideal for beginners.

Each variety of Crassula offers a delightful charm that adds character to any succulent collection or garden. These hardy plants are renowned for their ease of care, thriving in well-draining soil and bright sunlight. As they mature, Crassulas often surprise with elegant clusters of tiny, star-shaped flowers that attract pollinators and add a touch of whimsy to their surroundings.

Crassula tip: With their diverse and versatile nature, Crassulas are ideal for both beginners and experienced gardeners, making them a cherished addition to any plant lover’s repertoire.

Tools & Planters for Succulents

Final Thoughts About Succulents

You might no be able to find these succulents at your local garden store – or you will find others you like more! Although it’s always a good idea to visit local nurseries or online plant shops to explore the current selection and discover new and trendy succulents, don’t be scared to try other species. They are, actually, all very resistant and hardy.